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  9:25 pm AEST July 25 2000
Detainees stage hunger strike against 'inhumane conditions'
AAP --

Illegal immigrants at the Villawood Detention Centre have embarked on a hunger strike in protest of what they describe as inhumane conditions.

A spokesman for the Iranian Refugee Association, who asked not to be identified, said at least 85 people at the centre had begun a hunger strike yesterday to draw attention to their plight.

He said some of the detainees had been in the centre for up to four years and were forced to sleep on the floor without adequate warmth.

He said demonstrations were held at the centre today.

"Why can't (Immigration Minister Philip) Ruddock let the refugees live like human beings?" the spokesman said.

"The refugees should be free, they need protection, not detention."

He said the detainees were from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Sudan.

But a Department of Immigration spokesman said conditions at the centre were adequate in every respect.

"If they should be refusing food, it will make no difference to the consideration of their cases," he said.

"Their cases will be considered in accordance with policy and the law."

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