July 4, 2000

U.S. Seeks China's Help in Slowing the Flood of Illegal Immigrants


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BEIJING, July 3 -- The head of the American Immigration and Naturalization Service held talks here today with Chinese officials, hoping to get a commitment for more help in stemming the huge flow of illegal Chinese immigrants into the United States.

The visit came just weeks after 58 Chinese migrants suffocated while being smuggled into England in the back of a truck.

"We've gotten cooperation, but it's been on a case-by-case basis," said the immigration service commissioner, Doris Meissner. "But we'd like to see better cooperation not just from China but also from transit countries as well." Most illegal Chinese immigrants arrive in the United States via a third country, where they often get fake documents.

Ms. Meissner said that the United States had slowed the number of illegal migrants arriving by boat, but also said that as boat traffic had dropped off, the number of illegal migrants arriving by air with counterfeit documents had increased.

She estimated that the service would send back 4,000 Chinese arriving illegally at American airports this year, with many landing in Los Angeles, Seattle and New York.

Ms. Meissner's delegation will also visit Fuzhou, capital of Fujian Province, the home region of most Chinese who now live illegally in the United States.

The service estimates that tens of thousands of Chinese are smuggled in each year.

Many Western governments that are trying to thwart the smuggling say that international criminal gangs are making huge profits in this illegal human trade.

"The amounts of money that go into this and the level of organization and the level of criminality and abuse puts Chinese smuggling in a class by itself," Ms. Meissner said.

She said the quick return of those who are intercepted is "the strongest signal that can be sent that taking the risk and paying the money will not pay off."

But quick repatriation is often not possible in the case of the Chinese, since many apply for political asylum and the claims can take years to work through the system.

Although Chinese officials have said that the relatively liberal American political-asylum process encourages poor Chinese to try their luck at emigration, Ms. Meissner said that complaint had not come up in meetings here.

She said only about 13 percent of political asylum claims by Chinese are successful, generally made by people who say they will face political or religious persecution if they are returned to the mainland. But many illegal immigrants disappear into the vast Chinese networks in cities like New York before the asylum process is complete.

Ms. Meissner said the talks today touched on cooperative ventures, adding: "We need to share analytic information. We need to work together on fraudulent document use, and on public information so that accurate information is getting into the sending societies and communities."

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